Group 1

We held the first collaborative meeting between the American and German students via Zoom.
The meeting was previously arranged through a Doodle survey and a Whatsapp group created for collaboration during the seminar period. Fortunately, we were able to find a date quite quickly that suited all participants. The American students were allowed to get up for the meeting before eight am, and for the German students, the meeting started at two in the afternoon.
At the beginning of the meeting there were some technical problems, because the introduction of our previously created personas should be recorded as a video. After a desperate search for the missing record button on zoom, the problem was finally solved.
All participating students created a persona prior to the start of the meeting, which served the purpose of briefly introducing themselves. Each participant was given the opportunity to explain which is their personal tagline and which mantras influence and describe their own life. Furthermore, the own motivation and values were described and even challenging and frustrating situations were explained. Finally, each student evaluated which aspects are currently influencing their personal decision making the most.
The short presentations gave us the opportunity to get a first impression of the opinions and personalities of our fellow students. In times of Corona, you often only know your fellow students via the computer, personal conversations are usually missed out. The presentations were all very exciting and it was nice to have a personal aspect in the meeting. It was inspiring to hear what motivates others and what others struggle with. The presentations of the personas encourage to rethink your own mind-set and opinions and also give the opportunity to get to know other perspectives and ways of thinking, which we enjoyed a lot.