Workshop Day 1 – Arrival, Project Planning and Lunch

Today was our first workshop day at the Leonardo Campus. We picked up the US students from their hotel at 8.30 in the morning and cycled to the campus. It was quite a sight waiting at the traffic light with 27 people!

The workshop kicked off with our postdoc Armin Stein giving a quick overview about our university and the city of Münster. Then we got down to business with  the Design Thinking Case. We quickly got organized by dividing into our three groups and naming two representatives from each. They’ll meet regularly during the workshops to make sure we’re still on track and assign new tasks. We also formed a three-person presentation team to put together the presentation, which we have to give at the end of the week.

We had a pretty successful morning, and then we had lunch in the Da Vinci Cafeteria.

Once we’d finished eating, the US students noticed a difference in our cultures:

German plates vs. US plates

So maybe we shouldn’t only concentrate on data waste, but also on food waste 😉

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