First Day working in person on the project in our team!
So much in advance, it was a lot of fun.
After everybody arrived by bike at the Leonardo Campus, Armin introduced everybody with a quick presentation. We then got together in our small groups, did a quick icebreaker and appointed two spokespersons for communication between the groups. Then we split the group again into 3, that each of this small groups could search for information about the different areas (cities, personal and institutional & company) and how they store their data and what specialties and challenges they have. Also we thought about potential in the areas that can be used for optimization.

Afterwards the spokespersons of every team came together and had a quick chat about the current results and the further steps. The outcome was:
- one team for the survey,
- two teams for further research on specific questions
- one team for the presentation.
Puh! Tough morning! After this, everyone had earned a lunch break. We all sat together at a large table and enjoyed the conversation and the food.
In the afternoon, each team came together and took care of their respective tasks, we were part of the research team.
First of all: It has been a very nice day so far and we are already looking forward to the evening program.